Gez'igazi Blood Cleanser - 250ml

A highly advanced nano-suspension with a powerful blend of 13 medicinal plant extracts and organic essential oils that reach the cellular level of tissue. It cleanses and purifies the blood by removing toxins, whilst strengthening the body’s own defence system. Developed to help your body defend itself against infections, it is used by people with diabetes, digestive problems, candida, tumours, skin conditions and many other ailments. The nano-technology ensures the best and fastest absorption of this supplement directly into the cells, allowing it to begin working immediately.
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  • Himalayan mineral content: contains 84 minerals that form the composition of the human body. This gives your body almost 90% of the ingredients it needs to build new cells. Himalayan salt helps purify the blood, assists with weight loss, flushes toxins from the body, increases energy levels remove fat from the cells and provide a natural pH balance.
  • Oregano oil: antiviral, helps fight infection, improves digestion, supports healthy menstrual function, supports immunity to allergies, increases weight loss and combats cold and flu.
  • Mint oil: aids digestion, stimulates weight loss, relieves nausea and headaches, and assists with depression, asthma and memory loss.
  • Cinnamon oil: reduces inflammation, increases circulation, fights viruses and free radicals, stimulates the immune system, improves
    libido fights parasites, balances blood sugar levels and gives the body an energy boost.
  • Coconut oil: treats kidney infections, protects the liver, reduces inflammation and arthritis, supports healthy immune function, improves memory and brain function, improves energy and endurance, aids digestion, stimulates weight loss, and builds muscle.
  • Chrysanthemum morifolium: detoxifies the liver, aids digestion, improves respiratory health, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure,
    heightens the senses, improves eyesight, improves cardiovascular function, purifies the blood, and stimulates brain function.
  • Norwegian Kelp: helps with Type 2 diabetes by changing the bodies reaction to insulin. It increases metabolism and contains Vitamin C, Manganese and Zinc.
  • Citronella oil: antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, fungicidal, aids with deworming and may act as a natural antidepressant.
  • Garlic oil: helps clear acne, prevents colds, controls weight, and helps heal cold sores.
  • Geranium oil: antifungal, treat wounds, abscesses, cold sores, sore throats, and other infections. It may act as a mild antidepressant.
  • Lemongrass oil: aids digestion, detoxifies, fights depression, fights cold and flu and reduces arthritic pain.

May assist with the following conditions:

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Flushes toxins from the blood
  • Helps to eliminate parasites, such as pinworm and tapeworm
  • Promotes a strong defence system
  • Removes plaque from veins and arteries
  • Boosts pH levels

Dosage and Directions:

Adults: Take 10ml three times per day

Children (over 10 years old): Take 5ml once per day

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