Vitality Female Syrup 150ml

Vitality Female Syrup is a balanced and effective daily tonic used to stabilize female hormone levels, for improving oestrogen levels, building immunity, balancing moods and energy levels, and improving overall sexual health.
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  • Cyclopia: Honeybush is used for balancing oestrogen levels in women.
  • Alkaloids and cannabinoids: Assist the brain to relax and nourish the endocannabinoid system.  This results in better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety and leads to greater mental clarity and focus.
  • Mondia: An aphrodisiac herb that works as a mood enhancer to help restore feelings of passion for life.
  • Pelargonium: Antiviral, antibacterial, immune-supportive tonic.
  • Buchu: Assists with water retention and manages kidney health.  Buchu is considered a general health tonic for all types of ailments.
  • Rosehip: Rich in berry phytonutrients, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

May assist with the following conditions:

  • Balancing hormone levels
  • Balancing oestrogen levels
  • Balancing the mood and energy levels
  • Building immunity
  • Improving sexual health

Dosage and directions:

Maintenance dose: 1 teaspoon daily.

Chronic: One teaspoon 3 x daily for two weeks and then return to 1 teaspoon daily.

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